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In review
- Faria, F.A., M. Repenning, N.R. Senner, G. Tavares Nunes, and L. Bugoni. Isotopic and conventional dietary approaches uncover niche partitioning among resident and migratory species in a shorebird assemblage. (Read on Authorea)
- García-Walther, J., and N.R. Senner. The potential ecological responses of coastal biodiversity to sea level rise.
- Karagicheva, J., J.A. Linscott, T. Piersma, J.C.E.W. Hooijmeijer, R.A. Howison, A.H.J. Loonstra, N.R. Senner, M.A. Verhoeven, and E. Rakhimberdiev. The need to account for Argos Doppler errors when estimating habitat use from Argos Doppler locations: evidence and solution. (Read on Research Square)
- Puleo, L., F. Huang, M. Stager, and N.R. Senner. Flexibility in the face of climate change? A rapid and dramatic shift toward later spring migration in Hudsonian Godwits (Limosa haemastica). (Read on bioRxiv)
- Ruiz de Alegría-Arzaburu, A., J. Garcia-Walther, L. Ortiz Serrato, J. Vargas Vega, and N.R. Senner. The impact of beachface morphology on habitat suitability and breeding success of least terns and snowy plovers. (Read on Research Square)
- Velotta, J.P., M. Stager, Z.A. Cheviron, and N.R. Senner. Genetic compensation and countergradient variation across elevations in deer mice.
- Clements, S., J. Loghry, J.A. Linscott, J. Ruiz, J. Gunn, J.G. Navedo, N.R. Senner, B.A. Ballard, and M.D. Weegman. Migration strategy and constraint in migration behavior vary among shorebird species with different life histories. Ecosphere 16: e70161.
- English W.B., B. Lagassé, S. Brown, M. Boldenow, J. Burger, B. Casler, A.D. Dey, B. Feigin, S. Freeman, H.R. Gates, K.E. Iaquinto, S. Koch, J.-F. Lamarre, R.B. Lanctot, C. Latty, V. Loverti, L. McKinnon, D. Newstead, L. Niles, E. Nol, D. Payer, R. Porter, J. Rausch, S. Saalfeld, F. Sanders, N.R. Senner, S. Schulte, K. Sowl, B. Winn, L. Wright, M. Wunder, and P.A. Smith. Comparing the influence of migration timing and local conditions on reproductive timing in Arctic-breeding birds. Ecology and Evolution 15: e70610.
- Faria, F.A., J. Aldabe, J.B. Almeida, J.J. Bonanno, L. Bugoni, R. Clay, J. García-Walther, A.M. González, A. Lesterhuis, G.T. Nunes, and N.R. Senner. Population estimates of shorebirds on the Altantic Coast of southern South America generated from large-scale, simultaneous, volunteer-led surveys. Journal of Field Ornithology 96:2.
- Basso, E., J. Ruiz, J.A. Linscott, N.R. Senner, M. Weegman, B. Ballard, and J.G. Navedo. Movement ecology during the non-breeding season in a long-distance migratory shorebird: Are space use and movement strategies sex-biased? Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 78: 67.
- Bathrick, R.E., J.A. Johnson, D.D. Ruthrauff, R. Snyder, M. Stager, and N.R. Senner. Comparing migratory strategies across an ecological barrier: is the answer blowing in the wind? Movement Ecology 12: 70.
- García-Walther, J., J.A. Johnson, and N.R. Senner. The effects of sea level rise on the future habitat availability of a threatened shorebird in Northwest Mexico. Ornithological Applications 126: duae023.
- Handmaker, M.C., F.J. Sanders, A.D. Smith, E.P. Shealy, N. Fontaine, M.B. Kaplin, J.M. Thibault, M.C. Martin, C. Duquet, A.V. Sterling, and N.R. Senner. Individual foraging site fidelity persists within and across stopover seasons in a migratory shorebird. Ornithology 141: ukae021.
- Harrison, A.-L., C. Stenzel, A. Anderson, J. Howell, R.B. Lanctot, M. Aikens, J. Aldabe, L.A. Berigan, J. Bêty, E. Blomberg, J. Bosi de Almeida, A.J. Boyce, D.W. Bradley, S. Brown, J. Carlisle, E. Cheskey, K. Christie, S. Christin, R. Clay, A. Dayer, J.L. Deppe, W. English, S.A. Flemming, O. Gilg, C. Gilroy, S. Heath, J.M. Hill, J.M. Hipfner, J.A. Johnson, L. Johnson, B. Kempenaers, P. Knaga, E. Kwon, B.J. Lagassé, J.-F. Lamarre, C. Latty, D.-J. Léandri-Breton, N. Lecomte, P. Loring, R. McGuire, S. Moorhead, J.G. Navedo, D. Newstead, E. Nol, A. Olalla-Kerstupp, B. Olson, E. Olson, J. Paquet, A.K. Pierce, J. Rausch, K. Regan, M. Reiter, A.M. Roth, M. Russell, S.T. Saalfeld, A.L. Scarpignato, S. Schulte, N.R. Senner, J.A.M. Smith, P.A. Smith, Z. Spector, K. Srigley Werner, M.L. Stantial, A.R. Taylor, M. Valcu, W. Wehtje, B. Winn, M.B. Wunder. The collective application of shorebird tracking data to conservation. Conservation Biology (Read on bioRxiv)
- Linscott, J.A., E. Basso, R. Bathrick, J.B. Almeida, A.M. Anderson, F. Angulo-Pratolongo, B.M. Ballard, J. Bêty, S.C. Brown, K.S. Christie, S.J. Clements, C. Friis, C. Gesmundo, M.-A. Giroux, A.-L. Harrison, C.M. Harwood, J.M. Hill, J.A. Johnson, B. Kempenaers, B. Laliberte, J.-F. Lamarre, R.B. Lanctot, C. Latty, N. Lecomte, L.A. McDuffie, J.G. Navedo, E. Nol, Z.M. Pohlen, J. Rausch, R.B. Renfrew, J. Ruiz, M. Russell, D.R. Ruthrauff, S.T. Saalfeld, B.K. Sandercock, S.A. Schulte, P.A. Smith, A.R. Taylor, T.L. Tibbitts, M. Valcu, M.D. Weegman, J.R. Wright, and N.R. Senner. The Amazon Basin's rivers and lakes support Nearctic-breeding shorebirds during southward migration. Ornithological Applications 126: duae034.
- Stager, M., J.P. Velotta, Z.A. Cheviron, and N.R. Senner. Assessing the evidence for treating developmental plasticity and phenotypic flexibility as different phenomena. Functional Ecology 38: 10.1111/1365-2435.14590.
- Ausems, A.N.M.A., J. Perz, A. Johnson, N.R. Senner, M. Skeel, and E. Nol. Consistent apparent adult survival and nest-site fidelity of Whimbrel Numenius phaeopus near Churchill, Manitoba, Canada over a 40-year period. Journal of Avian Biology 2023: e03077.
- Faria, F.A., L. Bugoni, G. Tavares Nunes, N.R. Senner, and M. Repenning. Spring migration of a Neotropical shorebird, the Rufous-chested Plover, Charadrius modestus, between southern Brazil and the sub-Antarctic Falkland/Malvinas Islands. Polar Biology 46: 373-379.
- Faria, F.A., R.A Dias, G.A. Bencke, L. Bugoni, N.R. Senner, J.B. Almeida, G. Tavares Nunes, M.S.S. Gonçalves, and J.E. Lyons. Trends and population estimate of the threatened Buff-breasted Sandpiper wintering in the coastal grasslands of southern Brazil. Bird Conservation International 33: e61.
- García-Walther, J., D. Portillo-Zavala, A. Ruiz de Alegría-Arzaburu, and N.R. Senner. Throwing a lifeline: floating seagrass rafts as natural alternative roosting habitat for shorebirds. Ecology 104: e4139.
- Swift R.J., A.D. Rodewald, G.J. MacDonald, and N.R. Senner. Risks and rewards of foraging patches strongly affect habitat quality and condition of a long-distance migratory shorebird. Ibis 165: 1169-1185.
- Gutiérrez, J.S., J.N. Moore, J.P. Donnelly, C. Dorador, J.G. Navedo, and N.R. Senner. Climate change and lithium mining influence flamingo abundance in the Lithium Triangle. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 289: 20212388.
- Linscott, J.A., J.G. Navedo, S.J. Clements, J.P. Loghry, J. Ruiz, B.M. Ballard, M.D. Weegman, and N.R. Senner. Compensation for wind drift prevails for a shorebird on a long-distance, transoceanic flight. Movement Ecology 10:11.
- Pelton, M.M., S.R. Padula, J. García-Walther, M. Andrews, R. Mercer, R. Porter, F. Sanders, J. Thibault, N.R. Senner, and J.A Linscott. Kiawah and Seabrook islands are a critical site for the rufa Red Knot. Wader Study 129: 105-118. (Spotlight Article)
- Verhoeven, M.A., A.D. McBride, J.C.E.W. Hooijmeijer, T. Piersma, and N.R. Senner. Earthworm abundance and availability does not influence the reproductive decisions of black-tailed godwits in an agricultural grassland. Ecological Solutions and Evidence 3: e12125.
- Wilde, L.R., R.J. Swift, and N.R. Senner. Behavioral adjustments in the social associations of a precocial shorebird mediate the costs and benefits of grouping decisions. Journal of Animal Ecology 91: 870-882.
- Wilde, L.R., J.E. Simmons, R.J. Swift, and N.R. Senner. Dynamic sensitivity to resource availability influences population responses to mismatches in a shorebird. Ecology 103: e3743.
- Drucker, J.R., N.R. Senner, and J.P. Gomez. Interspecific aggression in sympatry between congeneric Thamnophilus antbirds.Behavioral Ecology 32: 1032-1041.
- Faria, F.A., M. Reppening, G. Taveres Nunes, N.R. Senner, and L. Bugoni. Breeding habitats, phenology, and size of a resident population of Two-banded Plover (Charadrius falklandicus) at the northern edge of its distribution. Austral Ecology 46: 1311-1321.
- Linscott, J.A., and N.R. Senner. Beyond refueling: investigating the diversity of functions of migratory stopover events. Condor: Ornithological Applications 122: duaa074.
- Sanders, F., M. Handmaker, A.S. Johnson, and N.R. Senner. Critical nocturnal roost on South Carolina coast supports nearly half of the Atlantic coast population of Whimbrel Numenius hudsonicus during northward migration. Wader Study 128: 117-124. (Cover Article)
- Schweizer, R.M., M.R. Jones, G.S. Bradburd, J.F. Storz, N.R. Senner, C.J. Wolf, and Z.A. Cheviron. Broad concordance in the spatial distribution of adaptive and neutral genetic variation along an elevational cline in deer mice. Molecular Biology and Evolution 38: 4286-4300.
- Stager, M., N.R. Senner, D.L Swanson, M.D. Carling, T.J. Grieves, and Z.A. Cheviron. Temperature heterogeneity correlates with intraspecific variation in physiological flexibility in a small endotherm. Nature Communications 12: 4401.
- Verhoeven, M.A., A.H.J. Loonstra, A.D. McBride, C. Both, N.R. Senner, and T. Piersma. Age-dependent timing and routes demonstrate developmental plasticity in a long-distance migratory bird. Journal of Animal Ecology 91:566-579.
- Senner, N.R., Y.E. Morbey, and B.K. Sandercock. Flexibility in animal migration strategies. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 8: 111.
- Stager, M., N.R. Senner, B.W. Tobalske, and Z.A. Cheviron. Body temperature maintenance acclimates in a winter-tenacious songbird. Journal of Experimental Biology 223: jeb221853.
- Swift, R.J., A.D. Rodewald, J.A. Johnson, B.A. Andres, and N.R. Senner. Seasonal survival and reversible state effects in a long-distance migratory bird. Journal of Animal Ecology 89: 2043-2055.
- Verhoeven, M.A., A.H.J. Loonstra, A.D. McBride, P.M. Torres, W. Kaspersma, J.C.E.W. Hooijmeijer, E. van der Velde, C. Both, N.R. Senner, and T. Piersma. Geolocators lead to better measures of timing and renesting in Black-tailed Godwits and reveal the bias of traditional observational methods. Journal of Avian Biology 51: e02259. (Cover Article)
- Verhoeven, M.A., A.H.J. Loonstra, A.D. McBride, C. Both, N.R. Senner, and T. Piersma. Migration routes, stopping sites, and non-breeding destinations of adult Black-tailed Godwits breeding in southwest Fryslân. Journal of Ornithology 161: 10.1007/s10336-020-01807-3.
- Weiser, E.L., R.B. Lanctot, S.C. Brown, H.R. Gates, J. Bêty, M.L. Boldenow, R.W. Brook, G.S. Brown, W.B. English, S.A. Flemming, S.E. Franks, H.G. Gilchrist, M.-A. Giroux, A. Johnson, S. Kendall, L.V. Kennedy, K. Koloski, E. Kwon, J.-F. Lamarre, D.B. Lank, C.J. Latty, N. Lecomte, J.R. Liebezeit, R.L McGuire, L. McKinnon, E. Nol, D. Payer, J. Perz, J. Rausch, M. Robards, S.T. Saalfeld, N.R. Senner, P.A. Smith, M. Soloviev, D. Solovyeva, D.H. Ward, P.F. Woodard, and B.K. Sandercock. 2020. Annual adult survival drives trends in Arctic-breeding shorebirds but knowledge gaps in other vital rates remain. Condor: Ornithological Applications 122: 10.1093/condor/duaa026.
- Bulla, M., J. Reneerkens, E.L. Weiser, A. Sokolov, A.R. Taylor, B. Sittler, B.J. McCaffery, D.R. Ruthrauff, D.H. Catlin, D.C. Payer, D.H. Ward, D.V. Solovyeva, E.S.A. Santos, E. Rakhimberdiev, E. Nol, E. Kwon, G.S. Brown, G.D. Hevia, H.R. Gates, J.A. Johnson, J.A. van Gils, J. Hansen, J.-F. Lamarre, J. Rausch, J.R. Conklin, J. Liebezeit, J. Bêty, J. Lang, J.A. Alves, J. Fernández-Elipe, K. Michael-Exo, L. Bollache, M. Bertellotti, M.-A. Giroux, M. van de Pol, M. Johnson, M.L. Boldenow, M. Valcu, M. Soloviev, N. Sokolova, N.R. Senner, N. Lecomte, N. Meyer, N.M. Schmidt, O. Gilg, P.A. Smith, P. Machín, R.L. McGuire, R.A.S. Cerboncini, R. Ottvall, R.S.A. van Bemmelen, R.J. Swift, S.T. Saalfeld, S.E. Jamieson, S. Brown, T. Piersma, T. Albrecht, V. D'Amico, R.B. Lanctot, and B. Kempenaers. No evidence for disruption of global patterns of nest predation in shorebirds. Science 364: eaaw8529.
- Kwon, E., E.L Weiser., R.B. Lanctot, S.C. Brown, H.R. Gates, H.G. Gilchrist, S.J. Kendall, D.B. Lank, J.R. Liebezeit, L. McKinnon, E. Nol, D.C. Payer, J. Rausch, D.J. Rinella, S.T. Saalfeld, N.R. Senner, P.A. Smith, D. Ward, R.W. Wisseman, and B.K. Sandercock. Geographic variation in the intensity of phenological mismatch between Arctic shorebirds and their invertebrate prey. Ecological Monographs 89: e01383. (Cover Article)
- Loonstra, A.H.J., M.A. Verhoeven, N.R. Senner, J.C.E.W. Hooijmeijer, T. Piersma, and R. Kentie. Natal habitat type and sex-specific survival rates result in a male-biased adult sex ratio. Behavioral Ecology 30: 843-851.
- Loonstra, A.H.J., M.A. Verhoeven, N.R. Senner, C. Both, and T. Piersma. Adverse wind conditions during northward Sahara crossings increase the in-flight mortality of Black-tailed Godwits. Ecology Letters 22: 10.1111/ele.13387.
- Senner, N.R., M.A. Verhoeven, J.M. Abad-Gomez, J.A. Alves, J.C.E.W. Hooijmeijer, R.A. Howison, R. Kentie, A.H.J. Loonstra, J.A. Masero, A.D. Rocha, M. Stager, and T. Piersma. High migratory survival and highly variable migratory behaviour in black-tailed godwits. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 7: 96.
- Wilde, L.R., C.J. Wolf, S.M. Porter, M. Stager, Z.A. Cheviron, and N.R. Senner. Botfly infections impair the aerobic performance and survival of montane populations of deer mice, Peromyscus maniculatus rufinus. Functional Ecology 33: 608-618. (Cover Article)
- Verhoeven, M.A., A.H.J. Loonstra, A.D. McBride, J.M. Tinbergen, R. Kentie, J.C.E.W. Hooijmeijer, C. Both, N.R. Senner, and T. Piersma. Variation in egg size of Black-tailed Godwits. Ardea 107: 291-302.
- Verhoeven, M.A., A.H.J. Loonstra, N.R. Senner, A.D. McBride, C. Both, and T. Piersma. Variation from an unknown source: large inter-individual differences in migrating black-tailed godwits. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution: 7: 31.
- Márquez-Ferrando, R., M. Remisiewicz, J.A. Masero, R. Kentie, N.R. Senner, M.A. Verhoeven, J.C.E.W. Hooijmeijer, S. Pardal, M. Sarasa, T. Piersma, and J. Figuerola. Primary moult of Continental Black-tailed Godwits Limosa limosa limosa in Doñana wetlands, Spain. Bird Study 65: 132-139.
- Senner, N.R., J.N. Moore, S.T. Seager, K. Kreuz, S. Dougill, and S.E. Senner. A salt lake under stress: the relationship between birds, water levels, and invertebrates at a Great Basin saline lake. Biological Conservation 220: 320-329.
- Senner, N.R., M. Stager, and Z.A. Cheviron. Spatial and temporal heterogeneity in climate change limits species’ dispersal capabilities and adaptive potential. Ecography 41: 1428-1440. (Runner-up, E4 Young Investigator Award; Recommended by the Faculty of 1000.)
- Senner, N.R., M. Stager, M.A. Verhoeven, Z.A. Cheviron, T. Piersma, and W. Bouten. High-altitude shorebird migration in the absence of topographical barriers: avoiding high air temperatures and searching for profitable winds. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 285: 20180569.
- Swift, R.J., A.D. Rodewald, and N.R. Senner. Context-dependent costs and benefits of a heterospecific nesting association. Behavioral Ecology 29: 974-983.
- Verhoeven, M.A., A.H.J. Loonstra, J.C.E.W. Hooijmeijer, J.A. Masero, T. Piersma, and N.R. Senner. Generational shift in spring staging site use by a long-distance migratory bird. Biology Letters 14: 20170663.
- Weiser E.L, S.C. Brown, R.B. Lanctot, H.R. Gates, K. Abraham, R.L. Bentzen, J. Bêty, M.L. Boldenow, R. Brook, T.F. Donnelly, W.B. English, S.A. Flemming, S.E. Franks, H.G. Gilchrist, M.A. Giroux, A. Johnson, L.V. Kennedy, L. Koloski, E. Kwon, J.-F. Lamarre, D.B. Lank, N. Lecomte, J.R. Liebezeit, L. McKinnon, E. Nol, J. Perz, J. Rausch, M. Robards, S.T. Saalfeld, N.R. Senner, P.A. Smith, M. Soloviev, D. Solovyeva, D.H. Ward, P.F. Woodard, and B.K. Sandercock. Effects of environmental and ecological covariates on reproductive effort and nest success of Arctic-breeding shorebirds. Ibis 160: 608-623.
- Conklin, J.R., N.R. Senner, P.F. Battley, and T. Piersma. Extreme life-history strategies and the individual quality spectrum. Journal of Avian Biology 48: 19-36.
- García-Walther, J., N. Senner, H. Norambuena-Ramírez, and F. Schmitt. Atlas de las Aves Playeras de Chilé. Manomet Center for Conservation Science. Manomet, Massachusetts. ISBN 978-956-368-596-1.
- Kentie, R., R. Marquez-Ferrando, J. Figuerola, L. Gangoso, J.C.E.W. Hooijmeijer, A.H.J. Loonstra, F. Robin, M. Sarasa, N.R. Senner, H. Valkema, M.A. Verhoeven, and T. Piersma. Does wintering north or south of the Sahara correlate with timing and breeding performance in black-tailed godwits? Ecology and Evolution 7: 2812-2820.
- Masero, J.A., J.M. Abad-Gómez, F. Santiago-Quesada, J.S. Gutiérrez, N.R. Senner, J.M. Sánchez-Guzmán, T. Piersma, J. Schroeder, J.A. Amat, and A. Villegas. Wetland salinity induces sex-dependent carry-over effects on the individual performance of a long-distance migrant. Scientific Reports 7: 6867.
- Pearce-Higgins J.W., D. Brown, D.J.T. Douglas, J.A. Alves, M. Belliograzia, P. Bocher, G.M. Buchanan, R.P. Clay, J.R. Conklin, N. Crockford, P. Dann, J. Elts, C. Friis, R.A. Fuller, J. Gill, K. Gosbell, J.A. Johnson, R. Marquez-Ferrando, J.A. Masero, D.S. Melville, S. Millington, C. Minton, T. Mundkur, E. Nol, H. Pehlak, T. Piersma, F. Robin, D.I. Rogers, D.R. Ruthrauff, N.R. Senner, J.N. Shah, R.D. Sheldon, S.A. Soloviev, P.S. Tomkovich, and Y.I. Verkuil. A global threats overview for Numeniini populations: synthesising expert knowledge for a group of declining migratory birds. Bird Conservation International 27: 6-34.
- Senner, N.R., M. Stager, and B.K. Sandercock. Ecological mismatches are moderated by local conditions in two populations of a long-distance migratory bird. Oikos 126: 61-72.
- Swift R.J., A.D. Rodewald, and N.R. Senner. Breeding habitat of a declining shorebird in a changing environment. Polar Biology 40: 1777-1786.
- Swift, R.J., A.D. Rodewald, and N.R. Senner. Environmental heterogeneity and biotic interactions as potential drivers of spatial patterning of shorebird nests. Landscape Ecology 32: 1689-1703.
- Weiser E.L, S.C. Brown, R.B. Lanctot, H.R. Gates, K. Abraham, R.L. Bentzen, J. Bêty, M.L. Boldenow, R. Brook, T.F. Donnelly, W.B. English, S.A. Flemming, S.E. Franks, H.G. Gilchrist, M.A. Giroux, A. Johnson, L.V. Kennedy, L. Koloski, E. Kwon, J.-F. Lamarre, D.B. Lank, N. Lecomte, J.R. Liebezeit, L. McKinnon, E. Nol, J. Perz, J. Rausch, M. Robards, S.T. Saalfeld, N.R. Senner, P.A. Smith, M. Soloviev, D. Solovyeva, D.H. Ward, P.F. Woodard, and B.K. Sandercock. Life-history tradeoffs revealed by seasonal declines in reproductive traits of 21 species of Arctic-breeding shorebirds. Journal of Avian Biology 49, e01531.
- Weiser E.L., S.C. Brown, R.B. Lanctot, R. Bentzen, J. Bêty, M. Boldenow, W.B. English, S. Franks, H.R. Gates, L. Koloski, E. Kwon, J.-F. Lamarre, D.B. Lank, J.R. Liebezeit, L. McKinnon, E. Nol, J. Rausch, S. Saalfeld, N.R. Senner, D.H. Ward, P.F. Woodard, and B.K. Sandercock. Environmental and ecological conditions at Arctic breeding sites have limited effects on true survival rates of adult shorebirds. Auk 135: 29-43.
- Bulla, M., M. Valcu, A.M. Dokter, A.G. Dondua, A. Kosztolányi, A. Rutten, B. Helm, B.K. Sandercock, B. Casler, B.J. Ens, C.S. Spiegel, C.J. Hassell, C. Küpper, C. Minton, D. Burgas, D.B. Lank, D.C. Payer, E.Y. Loktionov, E. Nol, E. Kwon, F. Smith, H.R. Gates, H. Vitnerová, H. Prüter, J.A. Johnson, J.J.H. St. Clair, J.‐F. Lamarre, J. Rausch, J. Reneerkens, J.R. Conklin, J. Burger, J. Liebezeit, J. Bêty, J.T. Coleman, J. Figuerola, J.C.E.W. Hooijmeijer, J.A. Alves, J.A.M. Smith, K. Weidinger, K. Koivula, K. Gosbell, L.Niles, L. Koloski, L. McKinnon, L. Praus, M. Klaassen, M.‐A. Giroux, M. Sládeček, M.L. Boldenow, M. Exo, M.I. Goldstein, M. Šálek, N.R. Senner, N. Rönkä, N. Lecomte, O. Gilg, O. Vincze, O.W. Johnson, P.A. Smith, P.F. Woodard, P.S. Tomkovich, P. Battley, R. Bentzen, R.B. Lanctot, R. Porter, S.T. Saalfeld, S. Freeman, S.C. Brown, S. Yezerinac, T. Székely, T. Piersma, T. Montalvo, V. Loverti, V.‐M. Pakanen, W. Tijsen, B. Kempenaers. Defying the 24‐h day: Unexpected diversity in socially synchronized rhythms of shorebirds. Nature 540: 109-113.
- Johnson A.S., J. Perz, E. Nol, and N.R. Senner. Dichotomous strategies? The migration of Whimbrels breeding in the eastern Canadian sub-arctic. Journal of Field Ornithology 87: 371-383.
- Kentie, R., N.R. Senner, J.C.E.W. Hooijmeijer, R. Márquez-Ferrando, J. Figuerola, J.A. Masero, M.A. Verhoeven, and T. Piersma. Estimating the size of the Dutch breeding population of Continental Black-tailed Godwits from 2007–2015 using resighting data from spring staging sites. Ardea 114: 213-225.
- Rakhimberdiev, E., N.R. Senner, M.A. Verhoeven, D.W. Winkler, W. Bouten, and T. Piersma. Comparing inferences of solar geolocation data against high-precision GPS data: annual movements of a double-tagged Black-tailed Godwit. Journal of Avian Biology 47: 589-596.
- Weiser, E.L., R.B. Lanctot, S.C. Brown, J.A. Alves, P.F. Battley, R. Bentzen, J. Bêty, M.A. Bishop, M. Boldenow, L. Bollache, B. Casler, M. Christie, J.T. Coleman, J.R. Conklin, W.B. English, H.R. Gates, O. Gilg, M.-A. Giroux, K. Gosbell, C. Hassell, J. Helmericks, A. Johnson, B. Katrínardóttir, K. Koivula, E. Kwon, J.-F. Lamarre, J. Lang, D.B. Lank, N. Lecomte, J.R. Liebezeit, V. Loverti, L. McKinnon, C. Minton, D. Mizrahi, E. Nol, V.-M. Pakanen, J. Perz, R.R. Porter, J. Rausch, J. Reneerkens, N. Rönkä, S. Saalfeld, N.R. Senner, B. Sittler, P.A. Smith, K. Sowl, A. Taylor, D.H. Ward, S. Yezerinac, and B.K. Sandercock. Effects of geolocators on demographic rates of 16 species of Arctic-breeding shorebirds. Movement Ecology 4: 12.
- Senner, N.R., J.R. Conklin, and T. Piersma. An ontogenetic perspective on individual differences. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 282: 20151050.
- Senner, N.R., M.A. Verhoeven, J.M. Abad-Gómez, J.S. Gutiérrez, J.C.E.W. Hooijmeijer, R. Kentie, J.A. Masero, T.L. Tibbitts, and T. Piersma. When Siberia came to The Netherlands: the response of Continental Black-tailed Godwits to a severe spring weather event. Journal of Animal Ecology 84: 1164-1176. (Editor's Choice and Subject of feature article)
- Senner, N.R., M.A. Verhoeven, J.C.E.W. Hooijmeijer, and T. Piersma. Just when you thought you knew it all: new evidence for flexible breeding patterns in Black-tailed Godwits. Wader Study 122: 18-24. (Editor's Choice, Cover, and Subject of feature article)
- Senner, N.R., W. M. Hochachka, J. Fox, and V. Asfanayev. An exception to the rule: Carry-over effects do not accumulate in a migratory bird. PLoS One 9: e86588.
- Senner, N.R. 2014. Arctic Shorebirds in North America: A Decade of Monitoring by J. Bart and V. Johnston, eds.: A review. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 126: 786-788.
- Hooijmeijer, J.C.E.W.*, N.R. Senner*, T.L. Tibbitts, R.E. Gill, Jr, D.C. Douglas, L.W. Bruinzeel, E. Wymenga, and T. Piersma. Southward migration of Dutch-breeding Black-tailed Godwits: timing, use of stopovers, length of flights, and winter destinations. Ardea 101: 141-152. (*Co-First Authors)
- Senner, N.R. and F. Angulo-Pratalongo. Atlas de las aves playeras del Perú: Sitios importantes para su conservación. Ministerio del Medio Ambiente and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Lima, Peru. ISBN 978-612-4174-12-4.
- Senner, N.R. The effects of climate change on long-distance migratory birds. PhD Dissertation. Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.
- Senner, N.R. One Species, but Two Patterns: Factors Affecting Spring Migration Timing in Hudsonian Godwits. Auk 129: 670-682. (Editor’s Choice)
- Senner, N.R. and K.S. Coddington. Habitat use and foraging ecology of Hudsonian Godwits Limosa haemastica in southern South America. Wader Study Group Bulletin 118: 105-108.
- Walker, B.M., N.R. Senner, C.S. Elphick, and J. Klima. Hudsonian Godwit (Limosa haemastica). The Birds of North America Online (A. Poole, Ed.). Ithaca: Cornell Lab of Ornithology.
- Senner, N.R. Version 1.1. Conservation Plan for the Hudsonian Godwit. Manomet Center for Conservation Science, Manomet, Massachusetts.
- Senner, N.R., L.J. Goodrich, D.R. Barber, and M. Miller. Ovenbird nest site selection within a large contiguous forest in eastern Pennsylvania: variation in microhabitat characteristics at different breeding densities. Journal of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science 83: 3-9.
- Senner, N.R. The status and conservation of Hudsonian Godwits (Limosa haemastica) during the non-breeding season. Ornitologia Neotropical 19: 623-631.
- Senner, N.R. The first record of Long-billed Curlew Numenius americanus in Peru and other observations of Nearctic waders from the Virilla estuary. Cotinga 26: 39-42.
- Bart, J., D. Battaglia, and N. Senner. Effects of color bands on Semipalmated Sandpipers banded at hatch. Journal of Field Ornithology 72: 521-526.